Friday, February 5, 2010



When I bought this Shefflera a few years ago it
was in a
4" pot I keep the bottom of their stems clear of
leaves and
prune some of the top sides off. I like the
shape of almost being
a topiary style. Pruning Sheffleras makes their
bottom stems grow
thicker. After a few more years I'll slow
remove some of the side
branches to produce more of a tree.

A closer look at the bottom of the stems, when
becomes more mature they start to go from green
to woody branches. At the near end of summer I
will start
to cut some of it off.

Took a look outside in the back yard, here is
my arbor where
I have planted a Honeysuckle vine. This will be
the 3rd year since
I planted it so hopefully it will grow longer
this year.
On the other side is a Wisteria Vine that I
planted 2 years ago, and
my mother suggested that I should start pruning
it to become a tree
instead of a vine. She had planted one about 14
years ago and trained
it into a tree by pruning the bottom branches.
After the 7th year it sure
became an impressive sweet smelling tree.


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