Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Volcano Phlox

The Valcano Phlox is one of the thickest stemed
phlox I've yet to grow,
they don't fall over and the blooms are
I have the Purples and Pinks, I do pinch the
tips so when they bloom,
the blooms are much larger. They tend to clump
very easily and I have
divided them 3 times already within 2
I just planted this Montauk Daisies,
(Nipponanthemum nipponicum) they kind of
resemble Shastas, but the foliage is almost
succulent like, kind of a smooth
waxy texture. The Montauk Daisies blooms in late
September till frost, but if you prune
them in the spring they will bush out quiet
nicely otherwise they tend to grow
tall and leggy. Even when not in bloom their
foliage is very attractive. They
attrack Butterflies and Bees.


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